Are you having sleepless nights due to delayed implementations of your projects
(Switch to Immersive Video Collaboration for A seamless experience)
The major concerns in front of a project officer during implementation of a new project are as:
- How to accelerate project Implementation?
- How to track the progress of the projects?
- How to do regular monitoring of the projects in an effective manner?
Many organizations have multiple new projects running simultaneously across different locations basis on the need of the organization and nature of the project.
Success of every new project is based on, how frequently head of the project along with other senior officers is able to execute & Implement it and then later on review & monitor the progress of the projects with its nationwide teams & on-site project officials.
Most of the projects get delayed due to communication gaps resulting in huge loss of money and resources. Even if they are executed in time, most of them lose their effectiveness in the absence of adequate monitoring & tracking.
Are the delayed implementation of your projects, giving you sleepless nights, feeling of inadequacy and making you feel hamstrung?
Major challenges impacting successful execution & implementation of projects:
- Key offices & project areas are typically spread across the country making it difficult for Heads & other senior officers to travel to these locations.
- Most of the senior officers are travelling from other locations to HO location and vice versa because best discussions are conducted face to face only.
- Due to time and travelling constraints coupled with schedule disruptions, face to face meetings cannot be done very frequently.
- These projects suffer time and cost overruns and due to delayed implementations, the main objective of these projects is lost.
- Many have already tried Video conferencing methods but found them ineffective on account of whole lot of struggles faced involved in video conferencing meetings.
If you are continuously struggling to accelerate the speed of execution & implementations of your various nationwide projects despite your best efforts – Then it is the right time to switch to Immersive Video Collaborations.
Business octane is world’s ultra- super specialist in the field of immersive video collaboration and with in-house research of almost 10 years has pioneered a whole set of new paradigms of business Interactions over video, which are 5 to 20 times more effective than ordinary video teleconferences and replicate face to face experience.
These solutions can empower your senior project officers to review, strategize and guide not just one another but all their office locations with0ut most ease and without any loss of effectiveness. Their major concern, to conduct project reviews frequently with nationwide project teams & project site officers can be sorted out to a large extent.
Tracking & Progress of the project at multiple locations on demand can also be organized with an effectiveness without making them frequently travelling to head office or major key locations.
So say goodbye to your sleepless nights, making it possible for you, for the first time to accelerate the speed of implementation & monitoring of your projects without compromising on their effectiveness, enabling you to have faster execution of your projects without losing its prime objective.
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