1. The training venues are typically different from work venues. So a lot of money is spent on travelling for training which consumes a large part of training budget. On account of this trainings cannot be done regularly for every employee. As a result trainings are delivered once in six months/once in a year /once every 2 years.
So how to regularly train the entire nationwide organization in a cost effective manner as against once in a blue moon administration of training?
2. There are too many trainees and insufficient no of good trainers. So to fill up the deficit, ordinary trainers are recoursed to. This leads to differing standards of learning in the same organization.
So how to make sure all employees are uniformly trained across the organization using the best trainers available?
3. In spite of compromising with the trainer’s quality there is still a big shortage of trainers if the training is to be done at a faster pace so as to cover all the chosen employees under a particular training programme.
Consequently it takes multiple quarters to achieve what should have happened in one month or a quarter.
So how to increase the pace of conducting trainings to accelerate the training penetration in their organization?
4. Trainees are able to take only a fraction of what the trainer taught. So there is an important need for empowering the trainees to revise the training content on their own on demand.
As the new employees are joining regularly they should not have to wait for the next training programme to get started with the learning.
Some training programmes can only be conducted once in a year and at significant cost. How to take the benefits of the same to others who could not participate then?
So how to empower employees to self-learn on demand in a more effective manner?