AltraASK ™ WL

Premium Wireless Local speech reinforcement system for board rooms & training rooms that gives a new flexibility at an amazing price point! Now they are there, now they are not!

AltraASK – WL is a wireless Advanced Audio Local speech reinforcement Solution, best suitable for places where there are no modifications possible in the table or in an open town-hall with large audience.

  1. Customizable audio teleconferencing solutionwith the finest local speech reinforcement experience to enhance comprehension.
  2. No modifications in the table required.
  3. Get excellent local speech reinforcement without compromising the audio experience in video meetings and/or audio teleconferences and /or local meetings.
  4. Conduct immersive meetings on account of higher interaction and participation by meeting participants in all your large conference rooms.
  5. Rechargeable Batteries.
  6. Optionally in Video meetings or trainees, camera control allows you to focus on the participants once they start talking
  7. An enterprise class solution for implementation in every large conference room across your enterprise, as per specific requirements.
  8. Available in AX, EX and LX variants.
Variants 25 AX Series 50 AX Series 50 EX Series 50 LX
25/6 AX / 25/8 AX / 25/10 AX / 25/13 AX / 25/14 AX / 25/20 AX / 25/25 AX / 25/37 AX / 25/50 AX 50/6 AX / 50/8 AX / 50/10 AX / 50/13 AX / 50/14 AX / 50/20 AX / 50/25 AX / 50/37 AX / 50/50 AX 50/6 EX / 50/8 EX / 50/10 EX / 50/13 EX / 50/14 EX / 50/20 EX / 50/25 EX / 50/37 EX / 50/50 EX 50/6 LX / 50/8 LX / 50/10 LX / 50/13 LX / 50/14 LX / 50/20 LX / 50/25 LX / 50/37 LX / 50/50 LX
No. of Wireless Gooseneck mic with speaker 6 / 8 / 10 / 13 / 14 / 20 / 25 / 37 / 50 respectively 6 / 8 / 10 / 13 / 14 / 20 / 25 / 37 / 50 respectively 6 / 8 / 10 / 13 / 14 / 20 / 25 / 37 / 50 respectively 6 / 8 / 10 / 13 / 14 / 20 / 25 / 37 / 50 respectively
Audio teleconferencing through VOIP / PSTN N Y Y Y
No. of DSP channels N 8 channel 8 channel 8 channel
Audio teleconferencing through VOIP / PSTN N N Y Y
4 Channel Amplifier with output wattage of 150 w per channel at 8 ohms N N Y Y
Ceiling speakers Y Y Y Y
Stereo audio N Y Y Y
input and output N Y Y Y
system for local N Y Y Y
presentations N Y Y Y
and content in video N Y Y Y
meetings N Y Y Y
Used in VC Y Y Y Y
Used as stand alone N N N Y
Touch Control Panel with Wall Mountable AltraDOCK A9.7W N N N Y
Product Presentation
User Manual
Additional Resources
AltraASK - Speech Reinforcement Audio Solution - When in use

Board Rooms

AltraASK - Speech Reinforcement Audio Solution - When not in use

Board Rooms

AltraTOUCHContent Monitor- On table Content Collaboration Solution for Huddle Rooms

Huddle Rooms

AltraTOUCHContent Monitor- On table Content Collaboration Solution for Board Rooms

Board Rooms

AltraTOUCHContent Monitor- On table Content Collaboration Solution for Review Rooms

Board Rooms

AltraTOUCHContent Monitor- On table Content Collaboration Solution for Training/ Class rooms

Training/Learning Rooms

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