Director General of a Research Institute

Director General of a Research Institute

Key collaboration concerns of the Director General of a Research Institute that our solutions address

1) As we oversee research and other projects execution across the nation we cannot do frequent reviews with our execution teams of senior scientists and officers as much as we would like to do as it would require a very high frequency of travelling for our key national officers to our HO location because best reviews are conducted face to face only. But because travelling consumes lot of either mine or my nationwide senior officers and scientists very valuable time and is also a very expensive proposition face to face reviews cannot be done as frequently as we would like to do. This causes huge delays in implementation of various projects and new initiatives.

To get over above problems we have already tried conducting reviews over Video conferencing but have found them not to be even 10% as effective as reviewing face to face on account of whole lot of struggles me and our officials have to endure in video teleconferences every time when we connect another location over video conferencing.

It becomes further worse when we have to review with multiple location officers and researchers simultaneously together which often is the case. If face to face review experience is like travelling by a luxurious car on a expressway then the experience of a review over video is like travelling on a bumpy road sitting on the floor in a crowded open tractor trolley. So this is not the experience we can really work with to increase the pace of execution of projects and new initiatives!!

So how to conduct the various project and new initiatives reviews with your research institute’s and allied research institutes senior scientists and officers nationwide teams, at one another or multiple locations simultaneously on demand frequently, with an effectiveness of same location reviews without making them frequently travel to the HO location, which they are still forced to do in spite of having access to do video conferencing?

2) Our institute’s and allied institute’s officers and scientists are spread over the entire nation. Multiple sessions that are repetitive and time consuming need to be conducted to bring everyone up to speed over video conferences because of lack of effectiveness of doing them over video conferencing especially for addressing all the locations together! This creates a substantial time lag between the time we plan and the time by which this information reaches as it should to all the targeted members of our institute and allied institute’s nationwide. Time is money and loss of time means delays in implementation and escalation in the costs of the various projects.

So how to conduct nationwide and allied senior official’s and scientist’s get together (Town halls) more effectively and more frequently so as every member of your department’s key officials teams spread across all the states is energized and is also on the same page immediately about what you want them to do regarding various new departmental research and other projects; and new initiatives without making them travel to the HO location?

How can Business Octane help the Director General Of a Research Institute?

Business Octane can help by empowering your organization with unprecedentedly effective new paradigms of immersive video reviews can help you dramatically accelerate the speed of implementation of various research projects and new initiativesof your research institute.

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