Key collaboration concerns of the CIO that our solutions address
1. In spite of having video conferencing facilities throughout our organization our senior management people based at HO travel very frequently and extensively to our nationwide/worldwide important offices/plants and our senior management people based at all other important nerve centers travel frequently and extensively to head office for which huge amount of their valuable time is lost during travel. So how to save their absolutely priceless time so that they can make even a much bigger difference than now to the organization?
2. Why senior management has to travel so extensively and frequently in spite of availability of video conferencing is that their experience of meeting over video conferencing in comparison to their experience of In person meeting just does not meet their basic expectations for a two location meeting leave aside for connecting all our offices together in a single call. So how to provide them the experience and comfort that they want for being at two or at all our important offices?
3. Even the Immersive group telepresence experience that I saw earlier does not solve all the above experience and comfort deficiency problems for senior management .On top of it , it requires a very high monthly recurring bandwidth and back end operational costs per location. It also involves too many technical and operational challenges for it to be implementable and scalable in my company. Further it creates its own silo which finds it difficult to communicate to even our other video conferencing rooms. Also for deploying Immersive group telepresence collaboration solutions I have to junk a huge investment made in existing video collaboration infrastructure. So is there a way?
4. Senior Executive’s time being priceless and they being involved in mission critical tasks they also do not want to waste their time in frequently moving to a separate video meeting room for conducting their reviews. So how can they be empowered to collaborate over video right from their cabins itself while meeting their quality and comfort expectations, rather than moving to a separate video meeting room, leading to loss of time and disruptions in their ongoing work?
5. Senior executives and directors have to perforce travel for board meetings in the absence of recording of the board meetings as board meetings conducted over video are now compulsory by law to be recorded. But they do not want any outsiders and even IT staff to be present in the board meetings. So to save their time in travelling for board meetings how to record their video board meetings along with content in an easy & secure manner without IT intervention for meeting corporate governance norms , archiving and other applications such as training?
Business Octane has created one of its kind in the world and highly effective cures for all the above problems and concerns which your senior management users face.
Your Senior Management Teams can have hassle free, on demand very high quality video reviews across your organization which would not only meet their expectations but would also exceed them as they would not only be as good as face-to-face reviews but even much better than them for simultaneous multiple location reviews, thereby increasing the frequency and effectiveness of your senior management business reviews while drastically decreasing their travel so that they are empowered to make even a bigger difference faster.
How can Business Octane help the CIO?
Business Octane can help Implement and Improve the effectiveness of Video reviews for your CMD ,CEO , CFO , Sales and Business Heads to an unprecedented new level which would act as a catalyst to decrease costs and increase the profitability of your company by empowering your senior management invest most of their absolutely priceless time in work than travel, significantly derisk their decision making and get over the three time problems of employee realignment, of execution and of to the market.