Business Octane 2.0


To become the world’s most preferred Enterprise Productivity Enhancing Solution Provider in the realms of Collaboration and Learning, helping enterprises become more innovative, efficient, and competitive so that they can grow faster and become more profitable.


Every day, we at Business Octane are motivated and inspired by the difference we can make to our client‘s enterprise.

We aim to do this by:

  • Improving collaboration across the client’s enterprise so as to empower their teams to take faster decisions, conduct effective reviews and galvanize each employee to realize organization’s vision
  • Helping the client’s enterprise ensure that, people, their biggest asset, learn much more from training and the results show in their performance, henceforth.


We have a simple philosophy when it comes to selling, implementing and providing post – sales support on our solutions. A direct one-to-one relationship forms the base of this philosophy. No Intermediaries. No middlemen. It’s just you and us, across the country. This end –to –end undertaking of responsibility for delivering our solutions help you get the benefits of increased productivity far sooner than your expectation. Our ingrained belief of under promising and over delivery keeps you pleasantly surprised at every step.

Our Core Philosophies

Our value philosophy is all about making a passionate difference

It’s not just about the cutting –edge technology, or the latest fanciful gizmos, or providing an integrated solution. We go far beyond this into a realm, where it’s all about our client’s everyday real concerns, solving their problems that they had either given up on or had put on a back burner. It is also about highest value-for-money, offering the highest functionality in diverse usages and easy replication across the enterprise.

All our solutions are passionately designed to make a big difference to our clients’ organizations, by helping them create new opportunities, which would drive higher innovation, efficiency and productivity in their enterprise.

Our design philosophy is all about FAST

What’s functionality without aesthetics? What worth would be higher functionality, if it is so complicated that the users shun it? So, we designed all our offerings in a manner that they are not only highly functional but also extremely simple and highly aesthetic, to help you get a no-compromise solution.

Driving much higher acceptance and adoption among the users and helping your enterprise reap the benefits of highest ROI.

Our business philosophy leaves you with no doubts

We understand that buying is always much more difficult than selling. Inherent complexity of making a decision that affects the entire enterprise, and many valid clients concerns that slow down the decision making; deprive the client of increased productivity that could have been achieved much earlier.

Our Executive Experience Centers help showcase the building blocks of our solutions all across the country, where our clients can comprehensively judge and visualize for themselves the roadmap for the implementation in their enterprise.

Reduce your operating Cost

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